Thursday, February 19, 2015

What exactly am I going to do here?

Real quick I wanted to clarify exactly the type of work I'm doing. I've have some questions recently and realized it isn't super clear.

I am working in Chocta, Peru with the Health Post there. Our main goals are the following:

1. We will work with a group of about 30 parents (likely mothers) with children under the age of three. We will be teaching them about nutrition, disease prevention, and early stimulation. We will do this through individual house visits as well as  group chats.

2. We will be forming a group of teen "peer educators" to teach them about good decision making for the future and sexual health. The hope is for them to go on to be leaders and role models to their peers and community.

In addition to these goals, Peace Corps has the goal of intercultural exchange. I will be sharing my customs from the States and learning the culture and customs of Chocta, Peru. This will allow me and the people I interact with to grow as human beings as well as promote friendship between the two countries.

Secondary projects: In addition to these projects, I have the freedom to do my own projects of whatever I feel would benefit my community. For example I could teach English (check!). I'm excited for the possibility of starting a garden club and planting more veggies in town. I can't wait do a World Map Project and paint a big mural of the world, later teaching geography and world culture. I'm planning on working with the dentist to promote and teach dental hygiene (thanks for the idea, Mom!).

So that's a more detailed description of exactly what I'll be doing here for 27 months. Stay posted for updates on my progress!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lexi it is great, you are really getting into the life and culture of the people.I love hearing about all the things you are getting into it sounds like a lot of work but so rewarding, I also loved your potato experience, now I can really appreciate a potato when I buy them,
    I had to get a new computer love it, so much faster. Take care of yourself, keep up the good work and enjoy every minute. Love G.
