Sunday, October 5, 2014

Problems with the Pipes

Our pipes were being worked on last week so the whole neighborhood was without water for three days! My host family and I filled a ton of buckets with water to last us the whole three days. Below is a picture of the buckets in our bathroom that were able to last us three days of showering and toilet flushing. Yes, this is where I shower! Four women who live upstairs share this bathroom; the boys have their own downstairs. It really wasn’t bad since I had experience in the Dominican Republic with bucket showers and force flushing toilets! 

As was fitting, I happened to get my first bout of diarrhea this week… I still don’t know if it was from an apple I bough and didn’t wash thoroughly or from a dinner place we ate at. (I’m hoping it was the apple because I definitely want to go back to the restaurant!) My host family gave me remedies (a tea that worked great), advice, and a scolding as to why I ate an apple before washing it. Anyways, the pipes are all back to normal: my bowels are behaving, our water is back on, all is good! 

1 comment:

  1. Glad the water is back and running!!!!!!!

